
SpyAgent has a feature called SmartLogging that lets you trigger monitoring when certain events arise, instead of running constantly logging everything that users do. SmartLogging ties into the keystrokes, websites visited, applications ran, and windows used logging functions to activate monitoring when certain keywords are typed, websites visited, applications ran, or windows opened.

Setting it up
To configure SpyAgent's SmartLogging click on SMARTLOGGING on the right side of SpyAgent's interface. From there, check the 'Use SmartLogging' option. Now you can add keywords to the SmartLogging watch list. These keywords can be names, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers, website addresses - anything. Once you have a list you are satisfied with check the 'Watch' options that you want SmartLogging to activate monitoring with. For example, if you check 'Watch Keystrokes Typed for Above Keywords' SpyAgent will only start recording user activities when a certain keyword is typed by the user.

Finally, specify a number of minutes that SpyAgent will stop monitoring after until another keyword is triggered by SmartLogging. Click "OK" to save all settings.

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