Content Filtering

SpyAgent allows you to not only monitor applications and websites ran - but to also filter them from being used at all! SpyAgent features easy to setup application, chat, and website filtering so you can specify applications, chat clients, and websites you do not want to be executed or visited on your PC!

If a user tries to view a website, or run a program, that is listed in your content filtering settings, the application or website will be closed and terminated from use!

Application Content Filtering
By clicking on the CONTENT FILTERING button on the right panel of SpyAgent's user interface, and then clicking on the "Applications Filter" tab, you will be able to easily add applications to the list of software you do not want ran on your PC. Simply click the "Add Program" button and choose an executable program file that you do not want ran on your PC. Click "OK" to save!

Website Content Filtering
By clicking on the CONTENT FILTERING button on the right panel of SpyAgent's user interface, and then clicking on the "Websites Filter" tab, you will be able to easily add websites to the list of sites you do not want visited on your PC. Simply click the "Add Website" button and choose a valid website that you do not want viewed on your PC. Click "OK" to save!

You can also use the website content filter in SpyAgent restrict users to viewing only the sites specified in your list. To do this enable the "Allow only the Above URLs..." option.

Chat Blocking
By clicking on the CONTENT FILTERING button on the right panel of SpyAgent's user interface, and then clicking on the "Chat Filtering" tab, you will be able to select what chat messengers you want SpyAgent to block when it is active. Click "OK" to save!


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